Dr. Amr Abdel Aziz
IVF and ICSI Consultant
Determining the sex of the fetus and genetic screening of embryos Hysteroscopy and surgical endoscopy
1 year experience
Different treatment protocol
Success story
Why?IVF Egypt؟

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is one of the techniques that help in treating delayed pregnancy, especially in the case of inflammation or adhesion of the fallopian tube or weak sperm by stimulating the ovary to produce the largest possible number of high-quality eggs, as each egg is fertilized by a sperm from the husband’s sample to obtain an embryo. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection in Egypt is characterized by success rates that are comparable to global rates, with the availability of all the techniques and technology necessary to obtain a successful attempt at intracytoplasmic sperm injection from the first time – God willing – and all this at a smart cost and is performed by a team of skilled consultant doctors in the field of delayed pregnancy and childbirth.

Description of services

ICSI is one of the assisted fertilization techniques that aims to obtain eggs from the woman by stimulating the ovary and stimulating it to produce the largest possible number of high-quality eggs. Each egg is fertilized by sperm from the husband’s sample to form embryos. The embryos are returned three to five days after fertilization inside the uterus.

(ICSI – artificial insemination – IVF) are all techniques that help increase pregnancy rates and treat delayed childbearing, especially in the case of inflammation or adhesion of the fallopian tubes, weak semen of the husband, or the presence of endometriosis, and finally delayed pregnancy and childbirth for long periods (delay of unknown cause).

– The eggs are extracted from the ovary after activating it using general anesthesia, while returning the embryos is a painless procedure that does not require anesthesia. In the case of extraction and return, the hospital is left after a short period and the woman resumes her normal life without any problems.

The IVF preparation program varies from one woman to another and depends largely on the woman’s age, weight, length of marriage, duration of trying to have children, the condition of the husband’s sample, the condition of the right and left fallopian tubes, whether or not IVF attempts have been made before, and finally the woman’s ovarian reserve.

Over the past forty years, ICSI has helped hundreds of thousands of parents have a child and treat delayed pregnancy and childbirth worldwide.

– Artificial insemination involves requesting a semen sample from the husband, which is prepared to remove dead sperm and deformed sperm, and add some substances that improve the sperm’s ability to move, and this sample is injected into the uterus.

– The success rate of artificial insemination ranges between 11% – 15%, unlike the ICSI, whose success rate ranges between 40% – 60%. Artificial insemination is performed especially in cases of delayed pregnancy and childbirth due to the husband’s weak semen. Artificial insemination is a simple procedure, as simple stimulants are given for no more than three days before the insemination procedure, and the cost of artificial insemination does not exceed 2000/3000 depending on the center.

The success rates of IVF depend on several factors, including:

– The woman’s age – ovarian reserve – husband’s sample – tube condition – number of previous attempts – whether this uterus is fertile or not (meaning whether or not a pregnancy has occurred previously) as well as the program used to stimulate the ovaries and prepare for IVF and finally the IVF center where the egg retrieval and embryo implantation will be performed.

– The success rates of ICSI range from 40% to 60% depending on the woman’s good preparation and use of the appropriate protocol, with attention to all necessary analyses and tests before the attempt, as well as good follow-up of the eggs during activation and ensuring their quality, good follow-up of hormone analyses and performing a hysteroscopy (endometrium scratch) to improve the chances of implantation and rule out the presence of infiltration in the fallopian tubes, as well as reassurance of the husband’s sample. These factors contribute to improving the chances of success and achieving a positive pregnancy, God willing.

– The day of egg retrieval from the woman and obtaining a semen sample from the husband is calculated as day (zero) because the fertilization results appear the second day after retrieval. Accordingly, if the eggs are retrieved on Saturday, fertilization occurs on Sunday, the second day. Accordingly, Sunday is the first day of the embryo. Monday is the second day of the embryo. After that, the embryo is transferred on Tuesday (the third day embryo). The embryos can be given a chance to continue in the incubator until the fifth day. In the previous example, the (fifth day embryo) is transferred.

– The fifth day embryo is the highest technology available in the world of IVF and test tube babies. It is an embryo of good quality and has a high ability to implant and a positive pregnancy test, God willing.

– The comparison is made between the third-day embryo and the fifth-day embryo according to the IVF center’s vision, the retrieved eggs, and the number of first-degree embryos obtained for both embryos (the third-day embryo and the fifth-day embryo), which gives us a very good chance of pregnancy, provided that there are first-degree embryos in the IVF center.

There is no difference if the pregnancy occurred naturally or through artificial insemination or ICSI. All of these are means of assisting in achieving pregnancy. There are no differences related to the pregnancy itself, its duration, its nature, the procedures related to monitoring the pregnancy, or even determining a specific type of birth, whether cesarean or natural.

Pregnancy resulting from IVF is a completely normal pregnancy without any difference, and the pregnancy is followed up naturally until birth, God willing.

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