
Healthy Pregnancy | A Guide to Habits That Are Forbidden During Pregnancy

admin admin October 4, 2024 0 تعليقات

Pregnancy requires special care and comprehensive health care from the mother, as the woman’s body changes significantly during this period to accommodate the growth of the fetus and provide a suitable environment for it, so it is necessary for the pregnant woman to avoid some forbidden habits during pregnancy, which may negatively affect her health and the health of the fetus.

In this article, dear reader, we will list for you the most important forbidden habits during pregnancy, and the most important necessary tips for your pregnancy to pass smoothly and easily.

The most prominent forbidden habits during pregnancy

Pregnant women should avoid some prohibited habits during pregnancy, which may increase the risk of birth defects, miscarriage, or premature birth of the fetus, in addition to causing many health complications for the mother, such as diabetes or preeclampsia. These habits include the following:

1- Smoking and drinking alcohol

Smoking is considered one of the most dangerous habits that threaten the health of the mother and the fetus, as it increases the risk of miscarriage, the birth of a low-weight fetus, and the occurrence of respiratory problems in the child, and in some cases it may lead to sudden death of the fetus.


Also, drinking alcohol is no different from smoking during pregnancy in terms of the damage it may cause, as a result of it crossing the placenta and reaching the fetus. These damages include the following:

  • Negatively affecting the fetus’s brain development.


  • Congenital malformations.


  • Mental disabilities, learning difficulties.


  • Behavioral problems.
  • Delayed development.

2- Eat some foods

Foods to avoid during pregnancy include:

  • Raw or undercooked foods such as sushi, fish, chicken, or beef, as these foods may be contaminated with certain types of bacteria such as salmonella.


  • High-mercury fish such as shark, as it may cause damage to the fetus’s central nervous system, in addition to its effect on the senses of hearing and sight.


  • Dairy products, and unpasteurized cheeses.
  • Pastrami, and processed meats.


  • Raw eggs.
  • Spicy foods, or those containing spices, as eating them causes heartburn and indigestion.

3- Long distance travel

A doctor should be consulted before traveling long distances, especially if the pregnant woman suffers from any health complications.


4- Taking some medications

Some medications can harm the fetus if taken by the mother during pregnancy, so you should consult your doctor before taking any medication, even over-the-counter medications.


5- Do some exercise.

Although it is important to exercise during pregnancy, there are some exercises that are not suitable for pregnant women and cause harm to the health of both the mother and the fetus. These exercises include the following:

  • Jumping and running.
  • Exercises that require lying on the back, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Weight lifting.
  • Boxing and football.
  • Abdominal exercises.
  • Strenuous exercises that cause fatigue.

6- Use hot tubs

Taking very hot baths in hot tubs and saunas can cause your body temperature to rise, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, which can be harmful to your baby.


7- Standing for long periods

It is preferable to avoid standing for long periods, because it causes swelling of the legs and feet.

Read also:

Pre-pregnancy tips | Prepare for a healthy motherhood

Coughing during pregnancy and its effect on the fetus

The most important tips for pregnant women

For your pregnancy to go smoothly and easily, you should follow the following tips:

  • To make your pregnancy go smoothly, visit your doctor regularly to conduct the necessary tests to monitor your health and the health of your fetus.


  • Healthy nutrition, as the pregnant woman should follow a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains.


  • Do light exercise such as brisk walking and yoga after consulting your doctor.


  • Get enough rest.
  • Avoid passive smoking. Smoothly and easily, you should follow the following tips:

    In conclusion, pregnancy is a unique and beautiful period in a woman’s life, but it requires special attention. By following medical advice and guidance, a pregnant woman can maintain her health and the health of her fetus and enjoy this period of her life.


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