Dr. Amr Abdel Aziz's services
is the process of collecting eggs from the wife and sperm from the husband and fertilizing them in an embryo lab...


In Vitro Fertilization is the process of fertilizing the egg with sperm in the fallopian tubes...

Egg freezing

Also known as egg preservation, the process aims to preserve the possibility of fertility in women in the future...


It is a surgery that allows the doctor to look inside the uterus in order to diagnose and treat some conditions, such as delayed pregnancy...

Reducing the number of embryos

It is the reduction of the number of triplets or more embryos formed after the IVF process, by...

Chromosome analysis

It is a laboratory test that evaluates the number and structure of a person's chromosomes to see if they have any abnormalities. It is also a process...

Comprehensive chromosomal screening of embryos

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis using comprehensive chromosome screening can help detect...
الفحص الجيني قبل نقل الأجنة

Pre-embryo transfer genetic screening

It is a genetic diagnosis before embryo implantation and is performed for couples who have been proven to be at risk of having a child with...

Testicular biopsy under surgical microscope

Sperm extraction from the testicle using a surgical microscope is performed for men who suffer from...

Genetic analysis

It is one of the medical tests that are performed to detect some health problems, and it includes detecting the occurrence of any...

Artificial insemination

It is one of the therapeutic methods used to treat delayed childbearing, and it is done by injecting healthy sperm through...

Freezing semen

It is done by keeping the sperm at a very low temperature, where an assessment is made of the quality of the semen...

Choosing the gender of the fetus

The sex of the baby is determined by performing a simple medical examination of the embryos before returning them to the mother's womb...